3-D Secure

3-D Secure is a globally accepted authentication solution designed to make eCommerce transactions more secure in real-time.

More data. Smarter authentication.

The enhanced 3-D Secure 2.0 provides several improvements over 1.0, including:

Illustration of two tablets with dollar sign on the screen and a watch with a dollar sign on its face.
Illustration of a magnifying glass viewing the magnified text '10X'.
Illustration of a shopping cart.
Woman about to click the buy now button on a giant mobile phone.

Why this matters

The proliferation of connected devices has made it easier for consumers to purchase goods and services, but has also introduced new challenges for combatting fraud and providing frictionless checkout experiences.

Illustration of a blue circle with the text '3.5T' in the center.
Illustration of a blue circle with the text '1.2B' in the center.
Illustration of a blue circle with the text '62%' in the center.

Better authentication benefits everyone

Making the transition to 3-D Secure 2.0

Illustration of a finger poised to click a shopping cart button on a mobile phone.
Woman looking a computer monitor.

To learn more about 3-D Secure, contact your account executive or send us an email